advises me on the proper methods for make-up and hair styles. From being in the Army for so long my choices of colors and ma- terials that went together was, at best, poor. My wife has helped there too. Some times she even surprises me by setting out an out- fit for me to wear when she wants Linda to "come over" for the evening. Quite often when she goes shopping at the P.X. she will get a little something for Linda. For Father's Day, my wife and daughter surprised me with the outfit that I am wearing in the pic- ture, and then arranged for the youngest to spend the weekend with friends so that Linda could have the entire weekend with them.
Enough for now, I have to do some work here at the office. I'll write again soon.
Linda (M-7-H)
Dear Carol:
I would like some information regarding your organization, the publications that are available from you regarding cross- dressing, and groups of straight TVs.
Being a latent TV, having fully dressed last in 1976, I have been able to keep the urges supressed, and the fact hidden from all but a select few.
I have been able to do this as I have no clothes of my own, and when I did dress I wore my wife's clothes. I was able to do this since she and my two kids had gone on an extended vacation to the East Coast.
It has only been recently that I have begun to admit the fact to myself, and make contacts with TV groups, learning about them through various sources. The more I learn about the pheno- mena of crossdressing, the more I realize that I am not some sort